Sharjah Tops the Fastest Growing Environments for Startups Globally

  • Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
  • 29 June 2020

Sharjah ranked first globally on the list of the highest-growth environments for the business activation stage, according to the Global Startup Environment (GSER) report issued by the Global Startup Genome Foundation. This brings the emirate to a new milestone in its journey to become one of the thriving global hubs for startups.

In line with the efforts of the Sharjah Entrepreneurship Center (Sheraa) to put the emirate on the map of the most prominent entrepreneurship centers locally and globally, the Center cooperated with the Startup Genome to assess the performance of the entrepreneurial system in Sharjah, and also contributed to preparing the global report on the environment of emerging companies 2020, with the support of Global Entrepreneurship Network.

The Global Startup Environment Report, launched on the sidelines of the “Global Ecosystems Couch Conference”, is the most comprehensive and extensive follow-up on emerging companies. Where the authors of this report study 250 business environments, and they list the top 30 global environments with the top ten runners-up, as well as rank the top 100 emerging business environments, and identify the most developed environments, based on the «business environment life cycle model».

Source (Al-Khaleej Newspaper-UAE, Edited)

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