Qatar achieved a 3.6 percent economic growth in 2022

  • Doha, State of Qatar
  • 13 January 2023

The newly released Unified Arab Economic Report for 2022, based on the estimates of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), showed that Qatar is the second Arab country that has succeeded in following the plan drawn up to achieve integrated water resources management.

The report confirmed that Qatar is among the countries that have achieved the highest levels of added value to manufacturing industries at the level of the Arab countries, as it ranked fourth among the Arab countries, while the average per capita share of industrial output in Qatar reached the first place at about $28.5 thousand per capita. The improvement is attributed to the beginnings of recovery from the effects of the Corona pandemic, and to programs to revitalize the economy.

According to the report, Qatar has succeeded in providing safe drinking water, as well as sanitation services for all residents. The report also indicated that many of the economies of the Gulf countries are still dependent on oil and gas exports, which account for more than 70 percent of the total merchandise exports in Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Oman. Oil revenues exceed 70 percent of total government revenues in Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, and Bahrain, despite the significant change in the contribution of non-oil sectors to the GDP. Non-oil sectors are now relatively larger in all GCC countries than they were ten years ago.

The report revealed that all countries in the region achieved positive growth that exceeded 2 percent, reaching about 3.6 percent in Qatar and about 3.4 percent in Kuwait, despite the positive repercussions of developments in the oil markets on the Gulf economies. However, this indicates at the same time the need to strengthen and intensify the efforts made by the Gulf governments to increase the degree of diversification in the economy. In addition to building on the gains achieved as a result of their strategies aimed at expanding the scope of non-oil economic activities and reducing the degree of dependence on oil resources to supplement government budgets.


Source (Al-Raya Qatari newspaper, Edited)