Arab Economic Review Issue 57

  • 1 January - 31 March 2023

Issue (57) of the Arab Economic Bulletin for the first quarter of 2023 was issued with a set of distinguished studies and research that anticipates, review, and analyze international and Arab issues and topics that affect the interests of the business community and decision-makers in the Arab countries. The issue includes the following studies:

· World and Arab Economic Outlook 2023 - Difficult Questions in Light of Stagflation.

· Arab economic integration between the repercussions of global developments and the obstacles facing the Greater Arab Free Trade Area.

· Data science lever the industrial revolution.

· The role of big data in the industrial field: case studies internationally and in the Arab world.

· Internet of Things for the industrial sector.

· The impact of climate change on Arab countries.

· Production, trade, and marketing of gum Arabic: origin, development, status quo.

· What will the food of the future be like? Remarks on food security & food technology.

· World Bank Food Security Update, at a glance.


We hope that this number will receive the attention it deserves.



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