Saudi Arabia Launches Five New Visas for "Distinguished Residency"

  • Riyadh, KSA
  • 11 January 2024

The Distinguished Residence Center in Saudi Arabia has launched five new categories under the umbrella of distinguished residency: exceptional competence residency, talent residency, business investor residency, entrepreneur residency, and property owner residency. The decision took effect immediately, provided that the distinguished residence will be granted to those who deserve it for a fee of 4,000 riyals that will be paid once.

The Distinguished Residence Center launched its new electronic platform, which aims to facilitate and simplify the procedures for applying for a distinguished residence and following up on applicants' applications. Distinctive residence visas include two categories, the first for health and scientific competencies, which requires a total monthly wage of 35,000 riyals, provided that this wage in the category of researchers is 14,000 riyals, and the period of residence is 5 years, renewable once. There is also another category that includes executives with wages of 80 thousand riyals, and the duration of residence is permanent when the conditions are met and the residence for 30 continuous months over a period of 5 years.

Source ( Website, Edited)

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