General Assembly Meeting of JCC headed by Nael Al-Kabariti

  • Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
  • 2 October 2018

During the General Assembly Meeting of the Jordan Chamber of Commerce, Nael Al-Kabariti, Head of the Chamber, rejected the interference of any official body in the private sector. Stressing that "the Chamber is the legal representative of the private sector, whether commercial or industrial and none of the bodies have any authority on us."
He stated, "Jordan is undergoing a difficult economic situation due to the surrounding regional conditions and their impact on the Kingdom’s foreign trade movements, especially with the closure of Iraqi and Syrian borders." He pointed out "Jordan is under pressure because of its solid political positions on the Palestinian issue, especially Jerusalem’s issue." He added, “Jordan's position on this matter is clear, Jerusalem is the only compass of our nation and the eternal capital of Palestine."
He also remarked "the commercial sector feels that there is absolute cooperation between the Chamber and the Government, which took many of the proposals and views put forward by the commercial sector," expressing his hope that the partnership will be more effective in the next phase to serve National investment.

Source (Al-Ghad newspaper – Jordan, Edited)

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